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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello. This is my application for Creative/Prison. First, I'll talk about my strengths and flaws. I have fast eyes and fingers when it comes to helping or correcting people, which I don't use correcting people to try to act smarter than everyone else. I only like correcting people because, one, I have a grammar pet peeve and two, we all like good grammar, right? I try to help out with chat as much as I can, or if another player needs help with world edit or if they were griefed or anything along the lines of that. For my flaws, I let people walk over me, and I can be very impatient and stubborn in certain situations. Sometimes, let's say someone is trying to pick a fight. I'll usually stop and try to work it out nicely, but every once in a while, my anger might get the best of me, but that doesn't happen often. I realize that staff isn't something to be given away, but it's something to be earned. You need to work hard to get anything or anywhere. I'm starting to vote daily again, and I can't use teamspeak because I share a computer with my sister and sometimes my mother uses it. I try to get on as much as possible, but it's my sister's computer I use because mine broke, and I'm going to have to use hers until I can get a new one, so I try to get her to let me use it as much as possible so I can watch how the server is going. As I have hinted before, I love to help out in any situation I can. I would like to earn staff so I can help out in more ways than I can as a diplomat. I would be honored to be accepted as staff.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: No