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I Galide, would like to applie to become a L2D mutt's world staff. I am responsible, just and loyal (if that works). I have been here for approximately 5 months and i know my way and rules of the servers. Please accept me and i won't let you down.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No


You're 18-20 and you can't spell "apply"?
Changed it to 16-18. Lying about age, not good. Can't spell 'apply', potentially still lying about age with 16-18. Either lying or stupid, not too sure.
Aug 21 2012 11:34 PM
If you' be played on the server for 5 months than how come I've never seen you on?
with 5 new ambassadors, I think we're good.
No offense to you galide but aren't you only like 14
so now im f**** then and i only added "1" year why cant they let us specify our age and do you really want me to put "everything" correctly like apply

so now im f**** then and i only added "1" year why cant they let us specify our age and do you really want me to put "everything" correctly like apply

This means you are not thrustworthy.
This means you will never be part of staff.
Application denied.