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Hello again, ladies & gentlemutts :D
Most of you know me as gabbytaylor/taylor/cabbage etc.
I shall be applying for staff for the new Skyblock Server.
*I know this is kind of early*
but as there are no staff exactly on yet, I thought I'd might apply.

So, starting off.
Again, I'm Taylor.
  • I'm 18 years old.
  • I'm a senior in high school.
  • I'm currently staffed on creative and survival.
  • I was staffed on minigames before it got taken down. So, I feel like I could handle this position easily.
  • I learned the commands easily, as I do with most things.
  • I get along with the players, and do my job.
I feel like I would be perfect for this position since I've had experience, I'm well known throughout Mutts, I get along with mostly everyone, i know my commands, i can be playful yet very serious when need be, and I'm cabbage. So like, yeah.

I've basically explained myself, now it's time for you to make your decision.
thank you for your time, and happy holidays :DD
~ gabbytaylor (Taylor)

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes