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Hello! My name is William Sayle-Walker, my Minecraft name is Ezhun as said above, and I am here to ask for a position as ambassador on the Minecraft Muttsworld Creative server. I help a lot in chat and I hope to make it clean as can be. To say an example of somewhere I helped, about a few days ago, I was on and someone said there friends plot on Creative was greiffed. I went over to check and the place was entirely covered with lava, so I asked the person who said there friend was greiffed a few questions about who would have greiffed and they said they had no clue but I made a /modreq and when I last came back on i saw it was checked. If you do not approve me of taking a ranking in staff, then I will be slightly sad but I can still help on the side of Diplomat and if I lose it Freebuilder. I hope you do approve of me, and I hope you have a nice day. Good-bye!

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 42
Teamspeak: Yes