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Hey guys. I know I haven't been part of the server long, but I beleive that BobbyK and I would make great mods. I am computer savvy, and I am quick to learn anything technical. Id love to be able to help out. I have general knowledge of windows, tekkit, cmd prompt, dos, general web development knowledge, and plenty of other general computer knowledge.

I play about 3-6 hours a night depending on the day.

I am also willing and ready to help build, craft, make, do, whatever to make the server awesome.

Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: Yes


Awesome ^_^
Bladdy bladdy.
I may have missed it but what server was this for? Also, others may know you better but you might need more time on the server to get acquainted with everyone. I recently met you and Bobby on IRC and you seemed nice.
Most mods are accepted after playing on the server for a bit longer
That depends on the admin that runs the server... I became mod 2 weeks after I was made Ambassador.
meh just give me mod so I can ban everyone

That depends on the admin that runs the server... I became mod 2 weeks after I was made Ambassador.

I was talking about time since the player joined