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Hello Muttsworld!!!!

I am Dsirocks19 and I am here to apply to be an Ambassador for the Towny server. As I am on Muttsworld from the time I wake to the time I go to bed I don't see a lot of staff members on the towny server in the morning and parts of the afternoon. As I am on towny mostly everyday I do see bypassing, and questions that need to be answered, which I do answer. Lastly I do see players bypassing the chat and spamming but with the lack of staff members on in the morning and some parts of the afternoon I would like to do something about it.

Thanks for reading and I hope you can consider me for Ambassador!


Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes


Lol sorry I forgot about the age thing I am 10>16

I think dsi would be a good ambassador. When he is on he is kind and respectful to everybody. Although not many people are asking for commands and stuff dsi does help when he can. Although I do not see you on very frequently I believe that if you become an ambassador you will be more committed and be on more often. I think you would be a pretty good ambassador.

I Gave my support in the last App I still stand behind my comments.

However I'd Like to see you on more, I Know you've been very busy with L2D Building

But I've seen you on IRC a few times, just a tip to be a little more consistent with IRC

Other than that, yea full on +1

He has matured a lot, I think he would make a great ambassador. 



Even though I don't often play towny, from what I hear you are mature and would do great things with this role. +1.

I think he would be a good Ambassador. I see him a lot on L2D and Towny. He is also great with people.

Dsirocks would be a great Ambass. He's really helpful, kind, and mature. I always see him around either on L2D or towny. He's a great person and helps with chat for the new, noob, or just about any player. I hope you make him Ambassador.
Aug 21 2014 07:04 PM

Welcome to the l2d team

Thanks hansbrinker

Wait what?! He applied for Towny. :P

Aug 23 2014 02:11 AM

You snooze you lose, he's mine now - muahahahahaha

You snooze you lose, he's mine now - muahahahahaha

im scared