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Hi. I am Dempsey and I am applying for Staff, Ambassador, on SkyBlock. This was the first ever server I played on Muttsworld and was very sad when it was removed. Before it was removed, I was an Ambassador.

I'm usually on all day during the weekends and a lot on weekdays (besides school).

Some Reasons Why You Should Choose Me:

I've had lots of experience of all the commands to a Skyblock server (I do understand there is a different plugin for islands, but I still understand it, it's close to the old plugin).

I understand I would have the responsibility of muting disrespectful / harsh players on the server, or helping out players that are having trouble or need any kind of of help.

Skyblock is and always will be my favorite MuttsWorld server. :lol:

Thanks for your time, Dempsey ^_^

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: Yes