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I play mostly on the creative server, and I am usually logged in atleast an hour a day often much more. I have had previous experience with many of the plugins used on this server and have also had experience acting as a moderator and as admin on previous servers just on a smaller scale that those of Muttsworld. I have some experience with programming (although C++) and currently taking more courses about learning the JAVA language. I think everyone would consider me a very polite and understanding person, I have never had any actions taken agaisnt me by any mods or admins and as far as I am aware never caused any problems for anyone else. I am a team player, and enjoy working with others but also have the ability to make decisions and take action on my own. And as a side note that is somewhat relevant I am an excellent builder in Minecraft. Now for some random personal details about myself, I am 23 years old, I live alone, work full time and go to college nearly double full time (22+ credit hour semesters), I am in my last year of school were I will triple major with an Engineering Degree, a Fine Arts Degree, and a Mechanical Drafting degree as well as a Certificate of Computer Programming. I am a person who has had to work hard thier whole life and I someone who is highly motivated to help others succeed in anything they wish to do. And as another side note, I put 6 months for the time been on Muttworld, I am not sure about that number. I played survival for a few months and became a diplo but then I lost internet access for a few months. I would log in from time to time from friends pc's but not very regular during that time period. I have since had my internet reconnected and have no intentions of playing any servers other than those ran by mutts world.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: Yes


I am in my last year of school were I will triple major with an Engineering Degree, a Fine Arts Degree, and a Mechanical Drafting degree as well as a Certificate of Computer Programming.

That, sir, is impressive.

I have nothing but positive experience with you, you seem like a very good, respectable player; if I could recommend anyone it would be you
Thanks Skyler