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I am applying for moderator on this server because i would like to help the admins and other staff members. I have noticed alot of the time people spleef and things when no staff is on so we can tell the staff so the spleefing goes on. I am 15 an i love this server. i may have played on the server more than 3 months, i have played it scince it came out

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 3
Teamspeak: No


can't* tell the staff
Cube you may want to start off a bit lower then jumping straight to mod also a good way to improve your odds is to get Team Speak
what would lower be?
also, i have no mic so i cant do teamspeak
Lower means like ambassador and most staff positions are filled now cube
Too young for mod.
Get teamspeak, It's the best way to get to know people.