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I have posted many applications before but now i think it would be smart to start to work for muttsworld and to help develop the l2d server. I just downloaded teamspeak and i am getting it up and running so i can use it more often. I know i have lied and been really bad, but i have noticed my wrongs and i worked to fix them. I love muttsoworld and i have seen it grow from a smaller server to one of the biggest servers known to minecraft today!!! So i ask of anyone who is reading and knows me from before, please do not judge me from my mistakes, but judge me from what i will do for muttsworld.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes


lol at 24 months
Aug 24 2012 04:12 PM

lol at 24 months

Clancy, I think you've beat my record for the most staff apps. CONGRATS BRO.

You lied about your age in 3 applications
Like skyler said lol at 24 months.
The server hasn't even been up for a 2 years XD
He has, however, been here for well over a year. 24 months however, not possible
I've never seen you on and we have quite a few staff now. Several ambassadors, a couple mods, and a few admins for a 25 player server. ;)
Aug 25 2012 08:18 AM
Oh, i didnt see the L2D thing in his app. Now I do

I've never seen you on and we have quite a few staff now. Several ambassadors, a couple mods, and a few admins for a 25 player server.

ah yes, i remember clancy...