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Hello,I'm bruhhno
I used to be AriesTheDog and DogglesMC on Muttsworld.
I would love to be staff on Muttsworld! Muttsworld is the place for me. All their staff is friendly,and I can consider myself to be friendly. I'm not asking for much. I believe i could help out on the server and all. I have been suggested by a few friends. My favorite servers on Muttsworld is Prison,Creative and L2D. I do believe y'all should add more servers like Hunger Games and Skywars but Muttsworld is perfect the way it is!
I understand all Muttsworld rules and I can help other people learn them to!
Thank you for reading this. It would mean the world to me if you would accept my request.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: Yes