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Hello everyone, my name is Nic a.k.a Broken_Pvp. I'm into music, technology and minecraft. I have been playing on this server for nearly 2 years now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I am a people person, and I am I proud to be part of the Muttsworld community. I play server-wide, though usually I am found on Skyblock or l2d. I was inspired to apply by Zilver and hans, I look up to them as role models and I will strive to become a good staff member like them.

I want to be ambassador on Super Skyblock because I feel I would be a great asset to the server, I would always be looking over the players, making sure they aren't up to no good. I would also be thinking of new innovative ideas that would help benefit the server. And most importantly I would help out the community in any way I can. I am also experienced as I am staff on l2d, and I feel the skills will be easily transferable.

Thank you everyone for taking the time and effort to read this, if you need any additional information just contact me on skype (nic.sh123) or on teamspeak.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 20
Teamspeak: Yes


Good app, good guy, Im sure he can live up to his words, thats a +1 in szers book