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Hello all, my IGN is br0ken0ut, I'm 16 years old and I am applying for the ambassador position on L2D. I'll keep it short but more than willing to expand on anything mentioned or otherwise if requested.

I use both TeamSpeak daily and IRC every other day. Can be more active on IRC if requested.

I was an ambassador for several months on the first L2D server prior to its closure so I am fully aware of the duties and roles that is expected of me and many of these I perform already such as explaining the server concept, answering questions and helping those new to the server. I am very active on the L2D server both in its previous form and current version which gives me a lot of experience in game allowing me to assist other players when needed in terms of rules and guides which I already partake in. I am available for several hours on weekdays and all day every alternating Saturday and Sunday. Being in Australia my time zone (GMT +8) puts me in a position where I play at times where there are often no moderators or ambassadors.


Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: Yes



Br0ken0ut is probably my #1 candidate for this position :)

Very mature, he would do an awesome job.



I thought it would be best to expand the application. Should also give Admins and Mods something to read when the servers are quite.

total +10. Br0ken does all he can to help L2D get bigger and better in the best way he possibly could. (great Example: http://www.muttsworl...er-suggestions/)


He was previously an ambassador on "mom's meatloaf" and would make a great one here too.

definite +1

Uggh to much reading. But you did fine in the old days and seem friendly so... +1

+1 for sure 

Admun make this happen. PLIZ

As a well respected member of the L2D community, I give br0ken my seal of approval.

I think that br0ken would make great ambassador. He is always on +1

Very mature, he would do an awesome job.



Guys. He was promoted to Ambassador like a week ago.