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I would like to be staff so that I may help the people of MuttsWorld. I have been staff on another server and I know it is hard to be staff. But, I think I could do i good job at being staff even at the toughest challenge. Some staff on servers are not that nice. I would like to be one of those staff members who everyone loves and is always greeted by others.

What would you do if someone griefed?
First, I would go check it with what ever plug-in you guys use (hawk, etc). And once I got the results I would then ban the person. I would ban the person because, griefing is not tolerated on Mutt's World. Then, I would leave the decision to them if they would like to post a ban appeal, or not. If they do post a ban appeal I would gladly give them a second chance.
I hope you would take this under consideration. Thank you for reading this far.

Yours Sincerely,


Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes


You might want to mention which of the 5 servers you're applying for staff on.
I am applying for Tekkit server. Sorry for any confusion.
1. How many times could you have possibly said "staff?"
2. Also people dont always deserve a second chance.
3. And based on the application I have suspicion you're under 18 but I may be wrong.
4. In addition this is your 2nd forum post, and you say you have played 7 months research shows that you have been a forum member for 5-1/2 months. Its all possible but unlikely.

Overall im suspicious of you.

We ban on "Tekkit"as last resort..