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​Hello, My name is Imogen and I think I should be staff because I'm an open person to talk to, I'm 13 and I really enjoy playing on mutts, I want this role as I am a great team leader whos willing to take in other ideas and is willing to help, I have many friends and hope to make many more, all throughout the 3 years I've been on mutts I've aspired to be a mod or an ambassador and I have some really good ideas to make the server better than it already is!


Mutts sucks
​No way! it's the best ! <3

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


​Hello, My name is Imogen and I think I should be staff because I'm an open person to talk to, I'm 13 and I really enjoy playing on mutts, I want this role as I am a great team leader whos willing to take in other ideas and is willing to help, I have many friends and hope to make many more, all throughout the 3 years I've been on mutts I've aspired to be a mod or an ambassador and I have some really good ideas to make the server better than it already is!


Mutts sucks
​No way! it's the best ! <3

Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


​Hello, My name is Imogen and I think I should be staff because I'm an open person to talk to, I'm 13 and I really enjoy playing on mutts, I want this role as I am a great team leader whos willing to take in other ideas and is willing to help, I have many friends and hope to make many more, all throughout the 3 years I've been on mutts I've aspired to be a mod or an ambassador and I have some really good ideas to make the server better than it already is!


Mutts sucks
​No way! it's the best ! <3

Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


​Hello, My name is Imogen and I think I should be staff because I'm an open person to talk to, I'm 13 and I really enjoy playing on mutts, I want this role as I am a great team leader whos willing to take in other ideas and is willing to help, I have many friends and hope to make many more, all throughout the 3 years I've been on mutts I've aspired to be a mod or an ambassador and I have some really good ideas to make the server better than it already is!


Mutts sucks
​No way! it's the best ! <3

Click here to view the application

Hi there! I've noticed that you've posted four applications in less than a minute... don't worry... we can all be impatient sometimes... ( while patience would be a needed ability to be a staff member.. )

Also... If you want to be a staff member, you must show that you are capable of the tasks that may come with the title.

That little joke in the application can show that you aren't really serious about this.


Now you must be telling yourself, "but what did I do wrong", instead, you can say "how can I do better".

Well.. to that thought, here's a well structured guide that can help you with that : " How2Apply ".


If you wish to change anything about the application consider EDITING an already existing application or REPLY down below with a new one.



I agree with Saf, also, make sure to reapply in the comments section. I'm not sure if Saf merged these all together or not, but try not to submit a bunch of separate apps. Thanks <3

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


Hi there!

I'm Imogen and I'm 13 years old. I have been playing on Mutts for around three-three and a half years, I have always aspired to be staff and I really enjoy helping people when they have questions or if they need anything. I have a long attention span and an excellent temperament, I love mutts and am on almost everyday!(when I'm not grounded anyways XD)


I hope you take into consideration my application!



Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


Hi there!

I'm Imogen and I'm 13 years old. I have been playing on Mutts for around three-three and a half years, I have always aspired to be staff and I really enjoy helping people when they have questions or if they need anything. I have a long attention span and an excellent temperament, I love mutts and am on almost everyday!(when I'm not grounded anyways XD)


I hope you take into consideration my application!



Click here to view the application

Now, this is a different story... leaving the "applications merge" aside,

I wish you goodluck!