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Im am applying for the rank of ambassador on the new Super Skyblock. I used to play on it a lot when we used to have it during last summer(like 18 hours a day XD addicted). Anyway I knew all the commands back then some of them are different but not all I learned the commands that I didn't know. I am very friendly in chat and I always try to help out anytime that I can. I am staff on a different server and used to be staff on minigames so I think I think I have quite of bit experience as staff. If you give me a chance you see that I would be a great addition to the staff on the new Super Skyblock. Thank you for taking you time to read this.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 11
Teamspeak: Yes


Im sorry that I doubled posted I didn't mean to my computer was frozen and I guess I hit the button two times.