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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Dear Muttsworld Staff,
I have been playing this server for about 3-4 years. I have been through almost every update, good or bad. It is really fun to be on it with my friends and the staff. I, unfortunately, do not have Teamspeak, and cannot talk, but I do have skype (BeagleDragon36) and discord (BeagleDragon36#0840). I am a kind, compassionate person, that can be mean when needed, but all in all, I want to make this server a better place to play on. I am usually available on the weekends, as per school on weekdays. I am very much Influenced my Spartagon123, as he is nice to be around. Whenever I join Minecraft, or Minceraft (The mistaken word for Minecraft), whichever one you prefer, it is always the first server I join.
Thank you for considering my application. Hope to hear back from you soon. :)

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No


I am sorry, I had forgotten to put L2D and Moderator.


Im rooting for ya : P

I believe the teamspeak server has been shutdown, although you do not need to speak with discord, I suggest joining in here. Thanks for applying.

Sketsi, did I get accepted, did I not? And can you send me an invitation for the discord app?


I will take any position available if any are needed. everyting i log on it says staff is needed. so, i clicked on the link and applied.



Ambass before mod ;)