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I have always liked Muttsworld ever since around two years ago when a friend had suggested it to me. I still remember (kind of) the old spawn when I first joined, there was a board with glowstone and signs and it was WAY smaller than it was today. I remember randomly picking one of the four ways I could go down a path of and walking down the desert. I built what could possibly be the stupidest looking home ever. After a few months I introduced the server to my best friend and another really close friend. We loved survival and did a lot of fun stuff I still remember today even though its not there anymore. This was around the time there were spawn plots you could buy.
We found out about PvP Muttsworld and enjoyed it a lot. On weekends we traveled looking for the best base spot and stumbling on to other peoples bases. The best hiding spot possible was found and maximized to be hidden, red stoned, and secreted. Not my best friend but my other one invited a stranger into the base. The next day it was covered in lava and looted. (pretty stupid right? lol)
Now, me and my best friend are on creative. We did quick build challenges and needed someone to decide the winner for a really close match. Knowing how ridiculous residents can be we decide to ask a mod. (it was ZilverSchaatsen) She gave us helpful feedback and the winner. Later, I was building what would be a 136 block sword. I was working on the hilt and needed an opinion. I did /modlist and ZilverSchaatsen was on. I asked for her opinion, and she really liked my sword. I finished the sword and made 2 other cool builds with DeathBlade101 (my best friend). I asked if ZilverSchaatsen needed any help building stuff and she directed me to Hansbrinker. Deathblade101 and I made an awesome l2d build. It was really fun and after a few comments and changes he accepted it.
Recently, I have been noticing an increase of spam and caps when moderators aren't on. I told them to stop but still had just as much authority as them so I got ignored.
For the reasons of helping build things for the server and monitoring chat, I would like to apply on this applications page. Thank you for spending time and reading this.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 26
Teamspeak: No