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I hope to become a moderator on the creative server so I can stop the spam and prevent the grief on the server
here is an example:

Today I was on the creative server and a guy was spamming the global and noob chat and it wasnt until 30 minutes LATER that a moderator showed up and banned him and I wish I could of stopped him before the moderator showed up

I have been on the server for a while now and I know how it works and I try to follow all the rules as best as possible and I would have stopped him but I am only whitelisted and I have noticed that I am on most of the time when there are no staff members online and I would love to help

Thank You for reading this and if there are any spelling errors..... parden my french lol :D

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No