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Position applying for: Development

Perspective: The server i generally want to apply towards, is the L2D server. Potentially i see alot of future aspects of this server turning out with exciting results, and i dont know how i should put this. I wouldnt say its a staff position or chat moderation position i am looking foward to. More or less, i would like to play an important role in helping the development of the server, mainly because i see alot of potential, and have alot of creative idealism that i feel i could put into aspect towards the server to give it a more interesting touch. Maybe a staff position could be seen in the future, but i would really like to pick this server up, and help expand it as much as possible. the construction of new terrain, problematic yet entertaining new obstacles, and various ideas that could be applied to the community within the game.

Background: As well as a background of myself, i know i have a bad history. Im a terrable badmouth. However i would like to use this oppertunity to prove im useful for some other aspects other than "trolling".

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 8
Teamspeak: Yes


I also want to be the kind of person that spams 15 applications to get a positive review. Please take the time to read and comment.
Admitting you are a troller isn't a very good way to get a upgrade it means that you are untrustworthy and if you gain power it can be bad for other players also L2D is full on for staff I think but thank you for trying.
You may have a few red marks on your record, but I've seen you being helpful, I don't think you would be too bad.

And what the hell is with all the normal players commenting on staff apps!

You may have a few red marks on your record, but I've seen you being helpful, I don't think you would be too bad.

And what the hell is with all the normal players commenting on staff apps!

I think there is post discussing opening staff apps to everyone to remark on there mr chaos

You may have a few red marks on your record, but I've seen you being helpful, I don't think you would be too bad.

And what the hell is with all the normal players commenting on staff apps!

If anything, i probably didnt explain what my purpose was very well. I would probably like to be a "Ghost" administrative member for the time being. I want to help build on to the map with new ideas on the L2D server. In my perspective add a Residential area, dockside, countryside, detail the the main buildings in the city a bit more discreet, and apply a few other ideas to the server. with permission of course. That is what my main goal is atm, to apply my creativity to the server.