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I would like to become a staff member for Muttsworld, especially for Tekkit and Creative servers so that I can help other people with building and creating amazing things. I would also like to help in expanding Muttsworld to make our community greater. Yes, I am only thirteen, but that does not make me irresponsible with the amount of power that staff has. I have experience with building redstone and tekkit machinery. I have successfully created a nuclear reactor and breeder system creating infinite energy (lots of it) and is extremely stable. I know this does sound alot like bragging, but my only intent is explaining my experience. Sorry if it does though.
I would like to add that I take full responsibility for all of the actions I take and that i would like to join you guys only to help players have a good time in a server with no flaws.

Tyler (99tyty99)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: Yes