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Why I should Be a Ambassador

The reason why I'm applying is to be a Ambassador on Muttsworld FTB. The reason why I feel like I should be a Ambassador is because I'm most of the time on and helping people when I'm not busy doing things of my own on there. I also have been trying to keep that chat nice and calm as it should be "clean and quiet". The only thing I haven't been doing is welcoming people to the server. But I promise I will start doing that from now on, otherwise I have been working very hard to do what I Ambassador should do.
And like I said I'm most of time all so I can be controlling the chats and mute people who need to be muted.
Then next reason why I should be a Ambassador is because hardly any other Ambassador is on to take care of the problems in the chats.

Well this is my reason why I should be a Ambassador, I really hoped you liked it and agree with what I had to say and if you don't believe me then you more than welcome to ask cindy_k to come on and check.

Thank you, Extreme_Minerz

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: Yes


Umm... For some reason  Irc wont work for me.Its not showing up what it should.. and I thought Irc would be like TeamSpeak.

So I'm sorry I don't know how to use TeamSpeak and there's a problem with my Irc which I can figure out