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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello! My name is zombiehater333 but most people call me zombie. I remember joining the server in around 2013 and have been playing on and off since. The Survival Reset has supplied me with something to do. Which Means I have been much more active on survival, I have decided to apply for the position as ambassador because I would love to help the muttsworld team and become staff of the server that I greatly love and to have the opportunity to invite new players to our servers community with a welcoming hand.


The Help I can offer includes
-Answering Questions that are asked in chat and supply help with commands, Land claims, or almost any of the other plugins.
-Monitor chat for spam (Like Everyone Else) and enforce any chat rules that are established.


- In the occurrence of a player that persistently disrupts and is rude in chat after multiple warnings, I will make sure to mute the player for a reasonable amount of time. Once I mute them I will inform them of the rule that was broken and heavily insist on not doing it again.


-Always do my best to keep chat age appropriate.


-Finally I will consistently do my best to keep chat fun and entertaining for all player


II appreciate you taking your time to read through my entire application, I hope the services I can supply are among the services you are looking for in the position for ambassador.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 44
Teamspeak: No

