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I want to be staff because i know that the Muttsworld staff works hard keeping these servers running and i want to make it easier for them so they can spend more time relaxing and spending time hanging out with friends. I know you guys have been having trouble with my account with the hacking and all but i got that fixed and want to help the Muttsworld crew. I love the Muttsworld staff they are very helpful and i want to help people it makes me feel good to help people. I will do anything you guys tell me to do i just want to be a Muttsworld staff. Im a very helpful person i hate to yell and i hate to cuss i respect all the people of the Muttsworld staff.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: No


What server is this for? Plus, no teamspeak and no irc = no staff
plus no posts and recent hacking problems...equal laughable application.
Okay, yeah. No. Bro, look at this:

Teamspeak: No

Plus, no teamspeak and no irc = no staff

15 minutes later...
IRC: Yes
Teamspeak: Yes

i was typing fast i have mojang making sure my account is scure.
i rarely see you on teamspeak or irc. using irc/teamspeak for a few hours doesn't count as using them. it counts as used.
Also, reporting a post because "he is being rude to me and my application i hate that" is a strong indicator that your skin is nowhere thick enough to deal with other Muttsworld players.

-1 or more from me.
My logged in self approves of my not logged in post

Additionally, as Sabbs says, connecting to IRC once and not saying anything doesn't count as 'using' it. Currently, assuming you connected with a nick of Zach-something, you didn't make it onto my stats page for the week (would take saying 2 lines) or the month (would take saying ~35 lines)(http://tigur.com/irc...World.month.php). Be active in those areas, get to know some of the other mods and ambassadors around, and you may stand a better chance.
you're banned on two of our servers
This application is:
- Seasoned with questionable statements.
- Deep-fried in bans
- Topped-off with failsauce

We reccomend it when drinking a fail-soda.
It also combines excellent with a 'late night lol'.

(This meal is only served in 1 person portions.)

This application is:
- Seasoned with questionable statements.
- Deep-fried in bans
- Topped-off with failsauce

We reccomend it when drinking a fail-soda.
It also combines excellent with a 'late night lol'.

(This meal is only served in 1 person portions.)

Dont forget the paprikaPosted Image
Banned on 2 servers for hacking, probably 12, suddenly uses teamspeak and IRC when he learns that no them = no job.

ermahgerd merk herm erdmern
Thank you, Brainmac7, for posting in an application that's been resting peacefully since September.