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Dear MuttsWorld, Hello,I am XDontStopGamingX, my real name is Branden.I am a minecraft user that's pretty young, but loves to play it, I also like to help out different servers so that they could stay on track. When I am older, I will try my best and pay to be a Diplomat, even if i reach a Ambassador. I will always be mature and fix issues other people and always say hello or hi to greet them.I have never been a rank but i really want to and that is why I am trying to be a Ambassador. Thank you Mumblerit for being such a good owner and I will always be such a good Ambassador. Thank you for letting me write about myself and even if I don't make it, I will always try to purchase Diplomat. :-P




Sincerely, XDontStopGamingX

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No