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Hello I am X_Yuugo_X, Muttsworld's survivals modern architect. I am here today applying for ambassador. I enjoy playing on this server, it brings a lot of enjoyment to my friends and family. I love to play on this server because of how nice and how much the staff are. Watching people have fun is just what I want, but sometimes I do make stupid jokes and that to a extent gives me a bad name. But otherwise I'm pretty much clean from there on. Literally everyday I'm on the server to, and in that time I can help a lot of players and etc in that time. But more than not there are people who errh.. Well can't follow the rules for odd reason players sometimes try to use ways to bypass chat law and things. Normally even after a warning they decide to keep going. Which can be frustrating. What also is frustrating is that people decide to do this: Join youtube.com, wqgdqwkjwqqwiohjwq, andd give me money plz i ned mums, more than once. Also sometimes players decide to say questions that normally get unanswered which I normally reply to, also I want to help newer players and any player with a command or even help with a possible structure,I also want to help players get started and build. I also would like to give players to live in my town ( WITH RESPECTFULLY FOLLOWING THE rules of the town). I also would like to host minigames and etc for players. And also thank you for reading this Application. I also love this server and hope I get accepted thanks. Yuugo- Posted Image

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No