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I've played Minecraft for awhile now. I love the game. I've always look for good high tec servers with staff that are nice and the server is non greif. When I found this server my brother was playing on it. I didn't give much thought. But then when the current server I played on closed it's doors I got it's doors closed I was sad. I then quit playing mc for a while until I found this server. This server is one of the best out there. I love it all (except for prison and pvp >.<). I normally and on everyday and it gets very addicting. I spend hours a day running around building up from the ground and back down. I love every part of this server. I love how simple it is but still is entertaining. This server is one of the best ever. What I really hate is when you get stupid people who decide to disobey rules and take advantage. It makes me mad to see why people can't just see the rules and decipher, actually that isn't very coherent since the rules are usually simple and easy to live by. I see people by-passing the chat blocker everyday. It really upsets me that people do that. They can't just leave it censored. I get that they might be angry but it's stupid if they want it bypassed for some odd in-consistent reason that makes no sense what so ever. I also learned from this server that Greenou was a almond. And that they are very tasty. Once again I love this server. I want to protect it from those who chose to not follow the rules. I want help. And I hate the hackers. I don't know why they can't just find diamonds normally or do anything without hacks. I want to teach those players to not hack and take advantages of glitches. Thank you for taking time for reading my application much appreciation your friend - Yugo oops I meant Yuugo. Posted Image

P.s potatoes =o

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: No