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Muttsworld Ambassidor application
My name is Will (IGN: Will_da_Killer) i am 12 years old. I would like to be amby because i love helping people on Muttsworld I love helping mods and the people who play this game.
i dont see this oportunity just to have a rank i see it as being a volunteer to help the community. I have been playing Muttsworld since i was 9 which means ive been playing for 3 years. I am english so i play on english servers.
i am not a diplomat by the way. When i joined this server i was facinated by how the mods and ambys were so nice to me so i want to be just like them and help the people who join this server as their first time playing.
This is the main server i play on because of the friendly people who play on here. as an amby i would watch the chat to make sure no bad language is being used and i would message them asking them not to use this language again on this server.
I have discord so i will be able to co-operate with the other mods/ambys if i ever dont know what to do. I have tried to be on this server every day when i get free time but recently i have joined secondry school so it has been hard for me to get online becuase of my new time table. I was not used to it at that time but i assure you now i am used to the time table i will be doing my homework and then doing what i can on Muttsworld
another thing that has inspired me to become an amby is the mod QuadroYT, he as been helpfull the whole time. when i want to show someone my house or something he we always been there to check it out. He also helped me decide what to do because i could not send my application through on the website.

I hope you chose my application above the others because I want to make Muttsworld a better place although it is already very good.
Thank you for taking my application into consideration

Your sincerely,

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 26
Teamspeak: No