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This is my resubmit. I feel like I would be a good Ambassador for survival becuase i am responsible and will do what I can in my power to help. I also want to offer my help in chat because I often get on in the early hours of the morning Pacific time and sometimes I don't see any mods or Ambassadors online. I figure while the mods are gone and the Ambassadors are gone it would be nice to have someone on to help. As for Teamspeak, i use it but not often. I am most often on IRC helping anyone I can and I am often there when the server has gone down for whatever reason. I try to explain the best I can to people coming into the IRC chat, why the server is down. As far as I know my other app was approved but I am re-submitting under the instructions. Thanks for reading.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes



I've been on a few times with no ambassadors, and Vodka is always helping me with the chat offenders. He does a great job even without having the ability to mute. AMBASSATONIC
Aug 11 2012 06:58 AM


VodkaTonic exists throughout multiple dimensions and the time varies based on the dimension. Duh.
I would support Vod becoming staff, very helpful and attentive to other players, also has the ability to see both sides of the situation.