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Hey Staff of Muttsworld!, Im Valaskar. I am 15 and I'm kind of addicted to Mutts ;P I love being in the server, especially survival and I love to help others :) I am very very active and I always like to answer peoples questions or help them out in chat. I would love to help promote the server also :D I am applying for the rank "Ambassador"
In survival. I have teamspeak and IRC also. Would love to hear feedback, thanks guys!

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes


Which server? And haven't you been angering people lately?

I don't know much of you helping in chat Val... but, from since I have moved into Kiz's town you have been really nice to me so for that I'll make sure to keep an eye on you and see what you're up to from now on as you are undoubtedly active and I see you everyday when I log in. Good player, possible Ambassador potential here guys. +1

Val is a very very active player and a super nice guy. +1 for me!

You are among of the few who are really active and do help out in chat. I don't see you in IRC nor TS, but thats an easy fix. The only thing is, and i can't speak for the rest of the staff, I personally don't know you at all. Please, feel free to chat with us in Teamspeak as well as IRC or in-game.



Maybe.... just maybe..... +1

Keep it up... I'm watching you 😶

Helpful when active. Looking good!