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I like to be a mod I don't know what IRC Is I look on google I did not see what I need. If some one can help me thanks. And Teamspek my friend invited me in it is a party chat he made it. I am geting to like the server
And i am 18 but I don't really know what is IRC is. But I don't like helping the server I did do the vote 2 times now.
But one thing is that a player that grife me is geting unban so I don't know what to do. He will grife me again I know he will.


Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes


I don't normally comment on these, but before the trolls get their hooks into the staff application, it needs to be said.

Thank you for interest in helping Mutts, but I would recommend no at this juncture. This is the third staff application you've posted in a short time.

Here are my recommendations for you, as it stands.

1. First and foremost, if you want to help out, wait a while (a couple months) and learn the Muttsworld Community and Servers. Be a good player first and prove who you are. Your forum account isn't but 3 weeks old.

2. Become active in Teamspeak and IRC. It shows that you want to be involved in the community and not just some dude who wants creative mode on Survival.

3. I recommend you take a look at successful staff applications and see what they did or did not do.
3a. The successful Staff Applications had proper punctuation and grammar. In text-based communities, your persona, for better or worse, is represented by how well you type in the English language.
3b. The successful Staff Applications had more detailed essay about who the person is, why they want the position, and often enough how they can help in a way that others can't. Reference Browniewaffels here for an idea of how things ought to look.
3c. The successful Staff Applications were clear in thought. Reread this application. In it, you state that

But I don't like helping the server

Obviously, this isn't what you intended to say, but it is what you wrote.
3d, The successful Staff Applications highlighted how often they could be on to help.

4. If at first you don't succeed, don't keep posting staff application after staff application. You're more likely to be ignored.

5. Come to the table with all the answers. Don't state that you don't know what IRC is. Google it and download it. The same with Teamspeak. Look up plugins. Educate yourself.
Somehow, I doubt you're 18...
I haven't seen you on, nor helping.
nrokin linked me here so i can harass you