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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I am a 19 year old still in school and have time so I might as well help the server if I can I only really play this server longest I'm gone is a week but I come back. I try to get on daily but some days just cant. I have skype, sadly cant use teamspeak cuz I cant buy a good head set and don't have a laptop. I enjoy goofing off and helping.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: No


Maybe try reading over this, https://www.muttswor...f-position-r346 , and reapplying in the comments? Also, try to list some examples of helping in a situation on the server. Cool dood .3.