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Travis here, I'd like to apply for an ambassador position. I think I could help/benifit the chat. I know quite a bit about minecraft, and I'm always friendly. I may not have been here for that long, but I know quite a bit of the members, some on a personal level, and I'm always making more. I can get on/am on most every day. I know the rules of being an ambassador, and the responsiblitys of them too, and I think I can handle them quite well. I always have time or can make time to help people whenever help is needed, and I'm pretty good at seeing the sides/ the right way to handle almost all situations. Abusing, will just never be a possibility. I don't currently have Teamspeak or IRC, but I could get them today if needed, just like if anything else is needed. I can help with an argument, or something like a redstone building. I'm always here and ready to help anybody who is in need. I hope you all can see what I have to offer.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes