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I would like to help out as an ambassador on the survival server staff team, I am willing to help out moderating chat by stopping those who are saying things that are inappropriate, helping newer players or everyday players with rules and more. I have been on Muttsworld for about two years now if not three and have been a diplomat and am renewing my diplomat membership soon. I try to keep active on forums, and in-game, I know that many people who are ambassadors have Teamspeak- as of yet I don't but I am working towards it.

Thank you for reading my application, I hope to see you on the Survival Server!


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: No


tp is a very active player and i always see helping people when they need it in the chat
if i got to choose i would make him ambassador

but i dont

so ignore me

Tp should be a ambassador because he did tell me to stop using caps when I was, and I respected that discipline. He will be a perfect ambassador.
Thats not all, he acts like a ambassador and thats good because he is showing how good of an ambassador he would be. So thats why I think tp should
be an ambassador.

First things first, you should be 18 to be a staff on muttsworld, but other than that i would say + 0.5

First things first, you should be 18 to be a staff on muttsworld, but other than that i would say + 0.5

That's for mod....

Anyways, pretty sure survival doesn't need any more ambassadors....
Other than that, this app//your doings are just meh. There are many people equal to you that are applying for ambassador. This app does stand out among the 6835748673487 others.