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Hello Owner/Admin. This is why I think I would make good staff for survival. Also, sorry for the 2nd application, I wasn't aware of the 200 word minimum.

So this is why I think I would make good staff for survival. I play on survival daily, welcome new players and overall I just think it's really fun! I would like to be staff because I would like to be more active in the community of MuttsWorld. I have been playing on the server for a while now and I have recruited about 15 players, If you want me to, I'll list them, but for now, it's me time! Also, all those players play on MuttsWorld a lot. Such as burritoboy9 who plays daily. I know I said I wasn't gonna list them but, whatever. I would also like to be staff because, I have friends who are staff on survival. Such as, QuietQuilla, spartagon123, and RainWelch occasionally helps me out with mini-pranks I pull on my friends. (Please Don't Demote Her For That :3) I would love to be staff on all MuttsWorld server but thats only in my dreams. I play on survival daily and I vote and I'm on Teamspeak Daily. (I was on teamspeak when I wrote this) And being staff wouldn't just make me happy, it will make new players happy too. I welcome them and I'll go to spawn and say "/village to get started and /kit starter to get some starter stuff!" Also, I have bought Diplomat for me, and two of my friends, only for a month though. So, mumblerit, XXLordSXX, and last but certainly not least, Greennou99 (Those Are The Survival Admin's) I really hope you read this and consider making me staff on survival!

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 21
Teamspeak: Yes