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So um hi! I am TheSimsStarFire, I have been on mutts for like the longest time to the point where I cant keep track. I have played from l2d (when you had it) to creative. I know a lot of kind and amazing people on Mutts World. I love being able to talk to everyone and to be able to help someone in need. At one point I took a long break because lets just I was dealing with some hard things. I came back on one day and realized how supportive everyone is and it just brought a smile to my face. Every single time I come on this server its like the a highlight of my day. I have played Minecraft since I think 2013. When I first came on Mutts I was like wow these people are so kind and welcoming. I have submitted a couple of applications but none got accepted. Thank you for taking time to read my application and I hope that one day i could be a staff on this server.
TheSimsStarFire aka Clarisa :)

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 500
Teamspeak: No