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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello, my name is Roush Hawley, but you can call me THE_RED_FOX_0203. Today, I am applying for staff on MuttsWorld Survival, my favorite tangible Minecraft server. I am not sure, but I feel like I have been doing better lately, and feel as though I am eligible for staff. This is of course my own opinion, and I am not a professional, but if I am allowed to join, one day I may become one. I have already been working hard at enforcing server rules to the best of my ability, like whenever I see players spamming chat or using all caps, I try to get them to calm down, and it usually works. For now, it is the effort that counts, right? Let's time travel back Five or so years I had just joined the server, we were averaging One Hundred to Two Hundred players a day, I lived in an underground dirt box, some of the top server admins were residents. I wasn't as good as I currently am, but I have come a long way. Anyway, I hope you excogitate my application, and if so I look forward to being with you! Cheers!

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 72
Teamspeak: Yes


Good luck :D

Good Luck The_Red_Fox_0203!  :-P