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Hi! My name is Talon, I started playing on this server somewhere around 2012 with the username "emidon", and it instantly became my favorite server on minecraft.
When this server used to house 200 people or more at one time I always wanted to be a moderator but thought it was just too young, so I never applied, honestly this server is such a huge part of my childhood with the amount of minecraft I was playing, eventually when I was around 15 I stopped playing minecraft and I guess muttsworld started dying out without me even knowing, I always checked on the server every once in a while because I just loved it so much, and when I saw it was dead honestly it didn't feel the best to know that, but today I saw a notification on the discord server and decided to check it out, seeing all the people who used to play play once again and new players as well made my day, so right now this is going to be the server I go on the most, and I really want to help the community grow and become great once again, I've owned my fair share of servers but none of them were able to take off either because I was too young to actually be able to run one correctly or I had to focus on something else, but I do know how to run a server fairly well and I actually have a lot of time on my hands nowadays so, most of the moderating I would already know how to do and being able to help this community stay healthy and happy, so any way I can help would be awesome. If you could at least consider me to be a candidate for moderator or another role I would be overjoyed.


Best wishes, Talon.


Discord: Tzuyu#6284

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 95
Teamspeak: No