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Did you vote today?

Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hello! I'm SuperSoup2017 and I've been on this server for over 3 years! This is my third apply but I have been given an exception from one of the admins! I absolutely try to vote EVERY SIGNLE day but sometimes I forget :cry: . I am a very nice person (most of the time) and a very stubborn person. I understand staff is NOT a rank but this has always been on my bucket list. I would handle a rude player by warning them once or twice until they either get the mute or I report it to YOU GUYS! This is seriously THE BEST server I've been on, I am a huge fan and please take this opportunity to fill in one of those spots on the ambassador wall ;). Take Care, Sincerely Souper. PS: I don't want to make another application so uh, please pick me, JK, you don't have to. Your choice.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 37
Teamspeak: No


I'm sorry for posting an application more than once, but it wouldn't let me reply, I am replying now because it had just let me be able to.