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This is my second application (I'm sorry if you take this as spam) because I just thought that my first one was downright horrible, I couldn't edit my first one, I tried everyday. I'm aiming for ambassador, because I know you wouldn't make me moderator right away. And I'm always willing to help people out when they're troubled. And I understand that usually I am not picked because they're just isn't any more spots open usually. This was my favorite server since 2015 and still today I love it. I will say this again, my first application was really bad, I couldn't edit it for some odd reason, so pretend that apply never happened and look at this one. Focus your attention towards the people who make around 4 applications, not only two. Take care, Mutts.



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 22
Teamspeak: No