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To begin, my in game name is SpunkyDog2001 and go over my experiences I've had on MuttsWorld and why I want to be staff. Well to start when I first came on I was one on those squeaky little know-it-all 12 year old and most of the staff probably knew me as the kid who made /modreqs over the simplest questions bet you remember me now. Now at 15 years old I can reflect how patient and kind the whole staff was whether it be from Creative to Survival and for me I want to personally give back by becoming staff on the first I joined on Mutts. I can honestly say MuttsWorld has greatly matured me and I am so grateful for everyone whether staff or not for being there for me.
Experience wise I can say I have not had too much experience when it comes to it, but I am very organized and willing to learn from others on the staff when it come to the job.


Lastly, a little about me is I am grade 9 and studying Mechanical Engineering currently. Yes, I also do have lots of homework thanks to my lovely teachers, but usually I'm done quickly and log in at a later time.Sadly I do have a lot on my plate with helping running my school's YouTube channel, but the only day that will effect is Wednesday. Also, my mom isn't in the greatest health currently she had a minor stroke, and with my dad busy with work day and night that will be my main responsibility because family is and will always be first for me.
I know I may not seem like the most qualified applicant, but we all start out somewhere and I'd like to start out here. :mrgreen: <--(I think this emoji is the perfect way to end this application.)

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 25
Teamspeak: No