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.Dear who ever this may concern.

I am applying to be a ambassador on the Muttsworld Survival server,

I feel that I am qualified to do so now that I have had sufficient time on the server, all be it this is not me stating that BECAUSE I have been on for several months I should get this rank, but it is my understanding that before any sort of application despite who you are, you should spend sufficient

I believe I may be applicable for this role on the following conditions:
  • I have a clean record, not only on Muttsworld servers, but across Minecraft as a whole.
  • I am mature and intelligent enough to understand situations and the complexity of each scenario and that they should be approached with a particular perspective.
  • I am helpful in anyway I can, be this helping other's, or helping out the server by reporting on potential 'illegal' acts going on about the server.
  • I am organized, I allocate my self time to Minecraft efficiently so that I can be active.
  • I have no secret motive, I am not applying so that I can horde a title over others, I am doing so that I can better help people, as I feel that people will trust those who have been acknowledged by the server.
  • I am flexible, I have Teamspeak on my Android tablet (N7) which is almost always connected to the Internet, so even when I am not on the server, or even teamspeak I am still able to be contacted.
  • I have experience with IRC be this the very operation of it, to the various client and scripting languages or to the Ui design of web based clients.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.


Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes


talk more in chat

Even though I've seen you before many times, I haven't seen you on Survival for months, not sure if different time zones or just never talking, but I got no hate against you, so this app seems pretty solid.


talk more in chat

I've never seen you before, though I may just not be paying attention.

strange unlike bkauf and ben i see you everyday. but i don't see you helping... never saw you helping actually...

talk more in chat



Even though I've seen you before many times, I haven't seen you on Survival for months, not sure if different time zones or just never talking, but I got no hate against you, so this app seems pretty solid.


I try and get on early time (GMT:0) as the server is quiet so that my mob grinder can actually be used. And than I'll go on at night. 



strange unlike bkauf and ben i see you everyday. but i don't see you helping... never saw you helping actually...

If the Staff can check, I help mostly through /whisper if they ask in G, but I do reply in Help when questions are asked. 

You're a brony +1 But for realz, from what I've seen, you're calm, mature and seem to be fairly helpful. Also, not that anyone else agrees with me, but 18+ ambassadors are best, since they can be a mod if needed after a while.
You're a brony +1

But for realz, from what I've seen, you're calm, mature and seem to be fairly helpful.

Also, not that anyone else agrees with me, but 18+ ambassadors are best, since they can be a mod if needed after a while.
I love how this is coming from a 14 year old ambassador

I love how this is coming from a 14 year old ambassador

I speak the truth.
You're a brony +1 But for realz, from what I've seen, you're calm, mature and seem to be fairly helpful. Also, not that anyone else agrees with me, but 18+ ambassadors are best, since they can be a mod if needed after a while.

I was thinking the opposite and was going to -1 for being a brony. 


In other news, I don't recall even seeing Slub77 when I was active as much as I could be (nov/dec 2012), but as I haven't been on much since then, this may have changed.


I am neutral either way.


*pointless post somewhat showing my return to semi activeness.


and, Hi Sammich :3

Where abouts in the uk are you from?

you have potential, start selling your soul to muttsworld!

Where abouts in the uk are you from?



you have potential, start selling your soul to muttsworld!

Trae for 2 diamonds and 200 mums??

I want to see you appear a bit more in chat.


I demand that you say hi to me when you see me.

I want to see you appear a bit more in chat.


I demand that you say hi to me when you see me.


I never actually see you online weirdly. I'me on the survival server from about 8-10am/8pm onwards (GMT-0)

I see you on forums quite a bit seem sensible from that.

I see you on forums quite a bit seem sensible from that.

but he's not from Surrey....
but he's not from Surrey....


I can... Pretend.. I'm from Surrey. 


Wait, Sorry, Did I say Rutland, Sill typo, I meant Surrey