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Did you vote today?

Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I have been part of Mutt's community since around the end of 2011. It was the first (lured, like many others, by beer and porkchops) and only server I've played in. Since it satisfied all my minecraft needs, I saw no reason to try others. I have joined the forums only in April, although I started reading them a couple of months before that. The eagle-eyed might have spotted my light trolling in the "problem and bans" section before it was promptly removed by forum mods each time without fail (hopefully they aren't too mad at my hi jinx). I also like to frequent the IRC, since that's my only refuge while I'm at work. I do not use TS due to my living arrangements, but I can hop on on my days off work, if need be.

To be honest, I have no experience with the plugins used by mods on Mutt's. However, as someone who has been troubleshooting PC problems for friends since 12, finished a university with a computer networking degree and is on linux half the time, I am fairly friendly with the technical aspect of things and am always using terminal commands to get things done.

I am aware, that the usual way of getting the mod position is to go first for the ambassador. I am prepared to do that, if that's what it takes, though my aim is still going to be to go for a mod eventually. I thoroughly enjoy Vertith's videos of Life of Admin, which is also one of the reasons I am applying. While the commentary and the brutal slaughter of xrayers are highly entertaining, I do also enjoy how he looks for xray and examines the tunnels (feels like a slightly different puzzle every time). Of course, I am not just fixating on xrayers - repairing grief and helping in various other ways is also part of the job, and that I believe would only help prevent the possible monotony of everyday tasks.

I live in UK, so the timezone is GMT and you might catch me anywhere between 10:00-14:00 or 22:00-02:00 on work days (10:00-00:00 on offs). I have not been banned on any of the servers, nor have I been muted on them. However, once sammich threatened muting me for asking mumble to stop spamming the alerts on the server (it was meant as a friendly joke, though, so that was that). If I am to be given a mod, I promise to set Dragonshear on fire daily.

P.S. I haven't been on lately, because the auction house was down (couldn't properly continue with my build) and the extra hours I've been putting in at work. But, that is going to change fairly soon, and I can still put in at least an hour a day (more on off days) if I am to be given the opportunity.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: No


I promise to set Dragonshear on fire daily.

Welcome to the team.
Good application, what server you applying for?

Good application, what server you applying for?

Thank you. It's for Survival. Sorry, should have probably mentioned it inside the application. It's clear when you go through the new "Staff Applications" section in the menu, but it seems the "server" part is omitted when the application is copied to the forums.
+1 for firing Dragonshear

Other than that I don't hang on survival anymore, but from IRC I don't have any reason to vote against you (unless you count the threat from Mega to -1000 you). (How's that for non-committal?)

Good luck =-)
Sep 25 2012 09:51 PM

+1 for firing Dragonshear

Other than that I don't hang on survival anymore, but from IRC I don't have any reason to vote against you (unless you count the threat from Mega to -1000 you). (How's that for non-committal?)

Good luck =-)


Going to do my best to stay negative...*
Anyway...I really didn't want to post this but since TiGuR brought it up I figured I might as well rip on you.

You seem like a cool enough guy, and as much as I like you, I'm not sure it you would take moderating a serious enough job. You definitely joke around a lot, which is cool, but there are times when you need to get a little more serious about stuff, which I have yet to see you do.

Ambassador, yeah, +1000. Mod....(here ya go, just for you) -1000

*If this isn't needed or whatnot feel free to remove it.

I don't have any reason to vote against you

Clearly, I have Tiger's "full" support.

Mega, I'm going to get you for the IRC logs. One day, when you least expect.... BAM! 50 enderdragons in your house. Just wait till I'm mod...
I agree on the joking. That can be remedied, though. I keep my humour to a minimum, when I'm at work, so it's not impossible.