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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hey! My name is Erick Singombe and i am 14 years old. I love helping people and i am very experienced in minecraft as a whole. I am good at PvP and know a lot about the game. I have been loving the game since around the 1.7 update and actually played minecraft Xbox360 edition before i begged my mom to get a computer which she eventually did. i live in a rural Kansas area with crappy service to the world and i am currently running off an average of 10-20 FPS without the ability to download Optifine but i am working on money to buy a better PC. i use to be a moderator at PancakeTekkit. A server for the minecraft mod Tekkit Classic and my close friend James (Ch13fjames) owns the server.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


Good evening! First off, please read this. Process the information in this and apply it to your next application. Anyways, use less personal info (for example, we don't need to know about your previous server!) and focus more on what you can to do help the server and what you have to offer to the staff team. By the way, it would be helpful to include the server you're applying for!


Best of luck,
