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Dear MuttsWorld community and staff, this is Silverhood requesting ambassador rank. I joined the MuttsWorld community in early July, 2012 and have since been more and more active on MuttsWorld with playing times ranging 2-3 hours on weekdays and up to 4-6 hours each day on weekends. I like helping others and try to help other players out in-game. I am online sometimes when mods, admins, ambassadors, and other players can't help (especially some weekday mornings). I would like the rank of ambassador because I could further my helping and make it more fun for others to play. I can use IRC, but not Teamspeak because my microphone broke. I understand that it is a large responsibility, and am very sure that I am capable of handling it. I am familiar with plugins and features of MuttsWorld and have read the Rules of Chat and Server Rules. I know some ambassador commands like /mute <player name> <chat channel> and /denoob <player name>. I know being in the 10-16 age range might make you think that can't handle a responsibility like this, but believe me when I tell you I can, and would try my hardest to serve everyone in the MuttsWorld community.

Thank you for looking at this, I know that you are busy. Please post any questions, concerns, or other feedback if you have the time. Thanks again- Silverhood

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 6
Teamspeak: No


Good guy

What happened to your other app....?

I've never seen you on...
No.... You spam a lot
Since when do I spam?!

What happened to your other app....?
I was shown what I hadn't told and was encouraged to write another by a user named jmmrocks2001. I'm sorry if it was too soon...

I've never seen you on...
That's interesting Miner_N_99, because I'm online a lot.
What is the shape of blocks in minecraft
I mean what is the shape of objects in minecraft

Tyler_D2000, don't gave dig staff apps

I still don't understand why you had to dig up my dead app, out of many others... EDIT: Oops. Sorry, this post defeated the point of its content...

he really nice i would support him at all times