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Hello, My name is Toby and I am 13 years old and would like to apply for Ambassador. I think I can create a safe enviroment for all of the people that are going to join and that are currently on the server. I think the server has a great community and the staff do an excellent job at what they do. I have had lots of experience on servers, as I used to own 2 servers (bukkit) with over 30 plugins. I managed all of the plugins myself and recruited some admins to help me along the way. I know i havn't been on the server for a while but I love everything about the server and I love helping people and sorting any problems and completing anything anyone throws at me. I also know that I am 13 but I believe and i'm sure many others do that I am alot more mature than many others 13 year olds out there. I have school between 9am to 4:00pm but will be straight on when I get home and am always ready to help at any time. Thankyou for reading this. I understand if i'm to young or i've not been on long enough. Thanks bye!

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 1
Teamspeak: No


-I like the app
-very active in chat

-Only 1 month on server
-need to get team speak
-this is your first post

Feel free to correct me or add anything, but at the moment, I'm looking towards -1
I asked my dad about getting teamspeak but he is very overprotective and won't let me get it... Sorry. I tried my best. Also I know this is my first post but I look through the forum all the time and use AH alot. I understand about the age, but I think I can prove my maturity. Hope this helped!


Also I know about the month but I have been on every day for atleast 7 hours and have really got to grips with the way things work and understand what is right and what is wrong. Thanks.

It's not entirely necessary for ambassadors to have teamspeak. You should however get into IRC and get to know the rest of us a bit more.

You are pretty new, I would suggest spending more time getting to know the server and the players before jumping towards staff. I think you are great in chat, and very helpful. I could see you becoming an ambassador down the line but it's a bit too early right now.
That is fine, I would rather gather your trust and respect instead of diving in head first. Thankyou for your feedback. Will get on IRC tommorow. If you have anything else to say. I would be delighted to hear it! Thankyou!

Please leave any feedback!
I'm loving the dedication shown from Silentkilla128. I understand i'm a new diplomat, but he's shown a good deal of dedication. nice guy and sounds like he's willing to put the work to make the server as successful as possible. This is just feedback from what I've read and seen in-game. Good luck to you Silentkilla128! :)
I've honestly never seen you help in chat...
Well i'm on about 6 hours everyday...
Too young
Okay, I completely understand.
I think you should take time and enjoy the game first before advancing in staff.
