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Did you vote today?

Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Dear MuttsWorld,

I wish to become a Ambassador on your Survival server! I have spent time talking with Admins on MuttsWorld and the Discord channels, to get to know the type of people who work for MuttsWorld. I can now start to think about how to talk and interact with other people in the MuttsWorld community. My primary reason for applying for a position on MuttsWorld servers, is because I quite like MuttsWorld and their servers. I also enjoy spending time on MuttsWorld servers and playing with members of the community. I would like to address why my vote count does not match the time I have spent on MuttsWorld, that is simply because I was not always a frequent player of MuttsWorld and I did not know how much voting actually helped the server; therefor I did not vote when I first started playing on MuttsWorld. I always try to be friendly and supportive to the people I play with on MuttsWorld servers, and encourage them to find things to do on MuttsWorld so that they enjoy their time spent on the server.

Thank you for spending the time to read my essay on why I should be an Ambassador on MuttsWorld Survival! I love your servers, and I will continue to play on them without bias whether you pick me or not. Shout out to Sketsi for being the friendliest admin on MuttsWorld, and teaching me in the ways of a MuttsWorld employee! Thanks again for your time.

P.S. everything is in bold so it is easier on the eyes, have a good day!

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: Yes


Good luck sherpaorc! I hope you get Amby :D