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Apparently I've been on Mutt's World since 20th October 2013. I joined soon after I got Minecraft, because I wanted to play in multiplayer and I couldn't run one. The survival back then, hostile mobs didn't naturally spawn often, so I found it a lot more enjoyable than 'away-from-keyboard-ing' for a whole Minecraft night. Then after getting settled, I invited all my Minecraft playing cousins. Thinking back, I might've actually left Mutt's World since my cousin was not enjoying it at all after someone poured lava on both her and her chickens. Finally finding out how to teleport her to my region things were pretty good after that.

We have played for a long time now, with me playing especially longer since she's not allowed to be on the weekdays. Many bad and good things has happened, such as finding out Sky Wars has been removed, climbing up high in all the lobbies, getting griefed and fully raided during a plugin update. After rage quitting for a good few months or so, we're back in Mutt's World survival to see how much has changed. I love the 'You have picked up Dirt' and the addition of infernals, although they're a little frustrating.

Hopefully, I can be of assistance to the staff! I am a resident2, I spend most of my time in Survival, although going into creative once in a while. Many friends have been made, and so has money. Finally reached 100,000 mums today! I believe I understand the role of staff, and so here's my application!

What else do I need to say in this essay... I'm live in New Zealand, I go online when most staff are sleeping, I sometimes go on plug dj as Monnie0516, I spend my spare time playing games, watching anime and youtube videos.

Then not so useful information, I guess; I think lily pads are the most useless items in minecraft, I really like slime mobs in their smallest form, my favourite biome is flower forests, my favourite minecraft flower is blue orchids, I'm the first child to be born in New Zealand in my family, I collect and decorate while my teammate builds, I like to think I'm a decent builder, I like to collect rare items in survival, I go to school, and I'm pretty experienced in minecraft although not the best.

Hi, I'm shaori0516 and I hope that you have a good day! :D

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 23
Teamspeak: No