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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I Feel as if I would be a valuable asset to the MuttsWorld Staff because of multiple quality's of me as a person. some of these reasons include I'm a Helpful person and can be asked for help and will gladly give it within reason. another reason is I'm a well respected person and will enforce the rules to the best of my extent, The next reason is I'm an active person in the servers community and people like me around the server. I'm also a good person to ask if rules have been broken or not and I'm always fair about punishment and justice. And I'm always aware of when enough is enough and know when mutes would be required or not required. One more reason is I've spent a lot of time playing MuttsWorld and can help the players that are just starting out on MuttsWorld or Minecraft in general. the final reason is my personality I'm someone most players can get along with because of my humor people like that about me and I think that's an important quality. These are all valuable quality's that I believe would benefit MuttsWorld and would benefit it all around because I'm respectable, helpful and a nice guy in general. these are all valuable assets that would make MuttsWorld a better server!

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: Yes


Hey, hey! I would suggest reading this ,https://www.muttswor...f-position-r346 , and maybe edit your existing application, or re-apply in the comments section here. Have a nice day!