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Well where do I start.. My real name is Jerome, people call me Rome and im 17. I've been playing minecraft for about a year, and ive been on muttsworld since I've started, there is just no other server I could play. The current staff are great, helpful, and i would like to be apart of that group. I enjoy helping people with my vast knowledge of the minecraft databases recipes, where to find stuff, etc.. also im a very pickey architecht, everything has to be perfect, and as it stands you all do a fantastic job with the spawn and making it perfect. I enjoy minecraft, i play on average 3-4 hours a day, even longer on the weekends, I'm available 24/7 whether its a message on facebook, a text, an IM on MSN, email, etc.. I think it would be a good opportunity to be a staff-member, the more people to help, the smoother things run. Enough of my rambling, uh, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to read this, I hope I make a good candidate, thanks, ~Rome. P.S I'm a grammar and spelling nazi.

Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


I don't recall seeing you on survival, nor helping.
1. Are you applying for Moderator or Ambassador?
2. I have never seen you in IRC, Teamspeak, or in-game.
3. You only have 5 posts. You need to be more active on the forums
4. Nothing in this app would qualify you for Mod/Amby. Are you familiar with any of the plugins that staff members use? Do you have any experience as staff on another server?
5. You forgot an apostrophe in the word "ive" on the first line, along with many other mistakes. You fail as grammar nazi. >:D
Saying you're available 24/7 is just... no... You're applying for ambassador/moderator, it's not that serious of a job and... just no... You're not going to wake up in the middle of the night to help one idiot more then once
I never see you on Teamspeak or IRC.
all of my interaction that I remember of you is fixing your house...seeing you on the forums.. I know you've been here awhile, but, its more like i see you once every month or so.